Modern epidemiology and biostatistics are research methodology for studying practical issues in clinical medicine and public health in human populations. As such, epidemiology and biostatistics have been gaining increasing worldwide prominence as cutting-edge disciplines of medical research. This is partly because modern medicine requires that all clinical and non-clinical health professionals base their practice and decisions on current best evidence. The epidemiology and biostatistics courses offered in this programme provide requisite knowledge and quantitative skills for conducting rigorous scientific research (including clinical trials, case-control and cohort studies, and systematic reviews), for interpreting results from such studies, and for practicing evidence-based medicine.
Aims and Features
The courses aim to provide comprehensive training in the design, conduct, and analysis of clinical and health research and to interpret and use findings from such studies for patient care and policy making. We also teach students how to write professional reports and scientific research papers. Since there are emphases on clinical epidemiology and interpretation of epidemiological research results, the courses are also particularly useful for those who wish to master critical appraisal skills for evidence-based medicine.
We offer different programmes of study to cater to varying needs of students. The Postgraduate Diploma programme offers the essentials of both epidemiology and biostatistics, whereas the Diploma programme allows more flexibility and only requires students' attendance in either epidemiology or biostatistics courses. The Master of Science (MSc) programme extends learning to a broader range of topics and involves more in-depth discussions. MSc students are also required to conduct a research project independently under the supervision of a faculty member and produce a thesis of publishable standard before graduation. We also encourage and support student's application for research grant. Some students’ work have been published in prestigious medical journals, such as Lancet, Cancer, and Chest.

Why Study with Us
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is one of the largest regional institution with expertise in epidemiology and biostatistics. The newly launched Bachelor of Science in Public Health stands as evidence of our ongoing commitment to excellence in public health education.
Our Epidemiology and Biostatistics programmes are the sole graduate programmes of their kind in Hong Kong. Since inception in the 1980s, over 500 health care professionals have graduated from our programmes and moved on to successful medical, health and academic careers. Our teachers, mostly from in prestigious universities and academic institutions, have substantial experience in teaching and research, and also possess genuine interest in the personal development of their students. World-renowned professors, from leading institutions in the field, are also invited to lecture in the programme. In addition to the traditional topics in epidemiology and biostatistics, our programmes are also highly recognized for their excellence in clinical trials, systematic reviews, and evidence-based medicine.

Teaching Format
English is the language medium of instruction. The course contents are delivered in a combination of methods including lectures, tutorials, computing sessions, discussions, critical appraisals of literature, and student self presentations. An experienced thesis supervisor is assigned to each student, and one-to-one and special small group tutorials are also offered when in need. Support and assistance are provided throughout the thesis project including study design, grant application preparation, protocol development, data collection, statistical analysis, presentation and interpretation of results, writing of the thesis, and submission of manuscripts.